Monday, December 12, 2011

Help Support Bale-Comeau Shark Conservation Project

Only a few more votes are need to get this project off the ground!  Vote everyday from now through Friday.

Vote Now

Thursday, November 10, 2011

WCPFC Proposal – Conservation Measures for Oceanic Whitetip Sharks

Noting the Scientific Committee’s concern about the steep declining standardized catch rates and size trends of oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) in longline and purse seine fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean and the Committee’s recommendation that the WCPFC consider mitigation measures for the species at its eighth regular annual session.

Read the full story here:

WCPFC Proposal – Conservation Measures for Oceanic Whitetip Sharks

Friday, October 28, 2011

Epic Diving Featured on the Cover of Brazilian Dive Magazine

Daniel Botelho is an award winning photojournalist that specializes in underwater photography. His work can be seen in more than a hundred advertising campaigns. Daniel’ s connection with nature dates back to his childhood, as he grew up in between the sea and the rainforest, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nowadays Daniel contributes to several publications, in more than twenty countries.

In May 2011, Daniel came out with Epic Diving to photograph the Oceanic Whitetips. He left the island with amazing images. We were proud to learn that his photos made the cover story of Mergulho, the largest dive magazine in Brazil.

Daniel remains concerned with the devastation of the earth’s oceans, Daniel has become a warrior for whales and sharks which are being massacred through unsustainable practices which if left unstopped will lead to the extinction of these animals.

We are proud of the work Daniel's doing and look forward to having him back out on Cat Island. Be sure to check out a full gallery of Daniel's Images at

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sharkman Mike Rutzen Trip Report

Sharkman Mike Rutzen

Trip Report
May 22 - 28, 2011

We had a very special week with Mike Rutzen from Shark Diving Unlimited in South Africa. Not only did we have four days and countless hours with the Oceanic Whitetips, but our favorite shark Miranda graced us with her presence again. We also had a more Blacktips and Caribbean Reef sharks. Finally, to end the season, we had two days with blue sharks.

blue shark epic diving oceanic whitetip sharks cat island bahamas
Our first Blue shark of the season

Having a couple of Oceanics and a Blue was a real treat!  After about an hour though, Miranda had enough and the two sharks squared off.  It was a tense and amazing moment, but Miranda asserted her dominance and the Blue took off in retreat.

mike rutzen blue shark oceanic whitetip shark epic diving cat island bahamas
The much larger Oceanic Whitetip chased off the Blue

The following day, a different Blue swam up the slick first, and stayed with us for a few hours.  During that time, more Oceanics had arrived!

mike rutzen blue shark epic diving oceanic whitetipe shark cat island bahamas
Mike Rutzen lining up Miranda and the Blue Shark


Friday, September 2, 2011

A win for shark protection proponents

GREAT news today! The government of the Bahamas agreed to pass legislation to prohibit the export of any shark or shark product from the Bahamas. Thanks to the Bahamas National Trust, PEW, Guy Harvey Research Institute, and all those who who supported this project. A special thanks to the local community on Cat Island for joining us at the meeting and signing the petition. It was an honor to be a part of this!

Read the full story here

Monday, August 1, 2011 - Help End Shark Finning

On August 15th, 2011 the California Senate Appropriations Committee will vote on a critical bill.  If this becomes law it will create a ban of all shark fins in California. This will eliminate the demand for fins in the entire state.  Since most fins harvested in the Americas pass through California, this law would make the logistics of the finning trade more expensive and less desirable on a global scale.

The need to pass AB 376 and put a stop to finning is not just about stopping the brutal, inhumane finning practice.  It is estimated that over 100 million sharks were killed last year.  This is not sustainable. Marine ecosystems are out of balance, and the health of our oceans is severely threatened. We need to put a stop to this practice and get our oceans back on a healthy track.

Please join Sea Save in helping gather petition signatures to pass this bill. It takes only a minute!

Epic Diving Proudly Supports the Cat Island Humane Society

cat island humane socieity epic diving bahamas

The Cat Island Humane Society works hard to care for these animals.

Epic Diving Proudly Supports the Cat Island Humane Society

The Cat Island Humane Society website is currently under construction so If you would like to donate or become a member please contact us. We appreciate your support.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bahamas Shark Sanctuary!

The Bahamas has banned shark fishing in its waters and prohibited the sale, import and export of shark products.

Read the full story here:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Epic Diving donates medical supplies to Cat Island Clinic System

Dr. Vincent Canabal of Epic Diving shows the head nurse some of the medical supplies that are being donated.

epic diving visits cat island clinics bahamas shark

The staff was thrilled to get new supplies!

epic diving visits cat island clinics bahamas shark

Shortly after leaving the island, we learned that some of the respiratory equipment and medication we left was critical in helping a child with smoke inhalation injuries.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Epic Diving visits Cat Island Schools

Epic Diving teamed up with the Bahamas National Trust visiting a number of schools on Cat Island.

epic diving visits cat island schools bahamas shark

We discussed shark ecology and conservation to an excited crowd of students and teachers.

epic diving visits cat island schools bahamas shark

The students watch a video featuring the sharks in their local waters.

epic diving visits cat island schools bahamas shark

Every school greeted us with excitement.

epic diving visits cat island schools bahamas shark

Epic Diving Joins the Bahamas National Trust

It was an honor for Epic Diving to work with the Bahamas National Trust. We gathered as many Cat Islanders as we could to a town meeting to sign the protect the sharks of the Bahamas petition.

blue shark epic diving oceanic whitetip sharks cat island bahamas

Members of the local community listened in as Shelley filled them in on the crisis sharks are facing around the world.

blue shark epic diving oceanic whitetip sharks cat island bahamas

We had a great turnout and many of the locals were eager to learn more about sharks.

daniel botelho azul profundo epic diving oceanic whitetip sharks

Many people had questions about how important sharks are not only to the marine ecosystem, but also the economic impact of their removal.

We collected a ton of signatures that were turned into Parliament in support of legislation that would ban the sale and exportation of any shark or shark product within the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.


Showing support for the sharks

mike rutzen blue shark epic diving oceanic whitetipe shark cat island bahamas

Locals watch a brief film showing a different side of sharks